12 Days of Gong: Move Over Partridge, This Is Better

  • 29 November 2022
  • 8 replies
12 Days of Gong: Move Over Partridge, This Is Better
Userlevel 4
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The holiday season is a time for reflection...and 2022 was quite a year!


Here at Gong, we looked back through our best content and wrapped up the gems you may have missed. 


For 12 days, starting December 1st, you’ll find “best-of 2022” content from the Visioneer Community and the Gong Academy. These 12 days will be packed with a little something for everyone: Deals, Trackers, Data in Gong, productivity hacks for Sales Enablement Managers, Frontline Managers, Executives, and more!


Don’t miss (twice) these roundups from the Gong team and your Visioneer peers, perfectly paired with eggnog and holiday cheer.


Start the holiday season right and come back here every day for new (-ish) content curated just for you. After all, it is the most wonderful time of the year! 


Day 1: Sleigh all day with Smart Trackers & the Initiatives Dashboard

Day 2: 🌲 Fir-get about surprises with our Macroeconomic Tracker

Day 3: 🪵 Yule be blown away after learning what Gong Data can do for you

Day 4: Ready to spruce things up for your next launch or company initiative?!

Day 5: Up-level yourself with Gong and get that [ginger]bread! 🍞

Day 6: 🎶 Sing “let it go” to your old forecasting process - Gong Forecast is here!

Day 7: 🦌 Make it Rein with better deal control & execution 🤑

Day 8: It’s the most won[deal]ful time of the year

Day 9: 🦌 CSMs: Hold on to Your Customers for Deer Life

Day 10: 💙 Love at frost sight: see what’s possible with Gong Assist

Day 11: 🎁 FLMs: Go from Resting Grinch Face to Buddy the Elf with our tips & tricks for you!

Day 12: Treat yo' elf 🍭 with some learnings from Gong’s very own executive leadership team


☃️ A quick fun, holiday fact about me:

I love the holiday season and all the cheesy traditions that come with it. My most recent tradition - a “wintinerary” with friends (this year includes visiting the Christmas markets in France and Switzerland!). It’s also the time of year I get to spend the most quality time with my family, including my furbaby Remi (something that is especially important for me this year). 


What’s your favorite holiday tradition? Share it in the comments below!


8 replies

Userlevel 6
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Sooo excited for this @Devon Kirschmann! My family is Jewish, so we celebrate Christmas with Chinese food and a movie. I look forward to it every year! 

Tagging in @Gloria Juarbe @Alycia Anderson @lorisharp @Stephanie Cwynar @Yoselin Pearce @Gabs @Michael Coelho @Allison Hough @Robin Schweitzer @Mike Friedman-Enriquez @Andrea Ihara @Nisha Baxi 

— What are your favorite holiday traditions? 

Userlevel 3
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Ah… we keep it low key. 24 hours of “ A Christmas Story” on the tv, new pajama bottoms, often both a Hanukkah and a Christmas dinner, both in restaurants- and typically we stay in. With snacks!

For Diwali, my parents have a 100 people over for a big party where we eat traditional Gujarati food and play with sparklers!


For Christmas as a child, my brother and I would wake up as early as we can on Christmas morning and run to the tree to open up presents and my dad would make us pancakes. 

Userlevel 1

Loved this post! Excited to see the next 12 days :) 

How exciting is this going to be!!!!
We have a few traditions, but the one that even the grown up kids all come back to, is making a day to watch all of the Home Alone movies while sharing popcorn and treats. 

Userlevel 2

Love this so much @Devon Kirschmann !! Remy’s big Gong Community debut!!

This is a bit of a weird one…. but as a kid my favorite tradition was making a “landing pad” for Santa’s sleigh with my little brother by rolling globs of sticky glittery oatmeal together and placing them in a large circle in our yard. My Mom told us it would guide Santa to a safe sleigh landing, of course. 

I am still confused how Santa got to our chimney if we had him land in our yard...

@Lindsay Stevens the landing pad sounds so awesome! What a creative idea! Where did you come up with that? Feels like a “The Santa Clause” with Tim Allen thing ;) 

Userlevel 2

@Nisha Baxi This was all my Mom’s idea! 
