How Gong Uses Gong: Understand your Customer's History to Drive Renewals and Upsells

  • 11 April 2022
  • 1 reply
How Gong Uses Gong: Understand your Customer's History to Drive Renewals and Upsells
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On today’s episode of Gong on Gong, Growth Account Executive @Lauren Frilling shares how she uses Gong to understand her customer’s full history to drive impactful renewal and growth conversations.


Watch the video here! 


“I listen back to these calls to hear directly from the voice of the customer — what they cared about and how they're using Gong — so I can tell that story or ask for the business come renewal time.” 


Key Takeaways


(00:35): The superpower Gong gives growth account executives is teleportation — the ability to go back in time and fully understand an account’s history around growth and renewal so that you can have effective conversations with your customers.


(00:39): This workflow helps you understand why your customer became a customer, why they renewed, what they accomplished over the last 12 months, and how your product helped them get there.


(3:41): As a best practice, follow this workflow any time you’re handed a new account. 


Pro tip: Filter by calls on the account page, type in “renewal,” go back a year, and listen back to what the customer cared about and what you can help them with going forward.


What do you think about Lauren’s workflow? Do you listen to calls from a year ago to prepare for renewals and upsells? Let us know in the comments below! 

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Curious to know what you think of this workflow @Remy Podrats @Alexa Bennett @Ashley Coghill @Iskandar Ishak @Brian Singleton @Celene Leiva @Moshe Alexander @Olivia Dannheiser @Calvin Oh @Michael Davenport @Matthew Greathouse @Vicki Judd @BrookeKelley21.


What other strategies do you use to understand your customer’s history as you’re preparing for upsells and renewals? 
