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How to track filler words by team member over time?

Some feedback I got during my performance review was to try to cut back on filler words in my customer calls. I’d love to use Gong to track my progress on the journey to stop using filler words and also to attach some metrics to work against. Has anyone tried to do this in the past? I figure someone probably has a great report/tracker search string I could rip off rather than reinventing the wheel. 


In my mind I’d have two views: 

  1. Team view: Name on the Y axis and volume of filler words on the X axis
  2. Individual view: Different filler words on the Y axis and the count (or better yet, the percentage of total words) on the X axis

Thank you!!  

Hey @Peter Tight, welcome to the Community!

This is a great use case, and I think there are a few Visioneers with trackers experience who might be able to help. Tagging them here in case they have any insights: 

@Alec Levandoski @Ian Gwynne @Courtney Tucci @Holly Hampson @Amanda @Kevin O'Neill @William @Kerry Heilskov 

Hey @Peter Tight

I would recommend asking your Gong Admin to add a tracker containing all of the filler words you want to track: um, uh, oh, er, ah, like, etc. Make sure the tracker is set to only track mentions by internal team members.

From there, you have a few options for tracking over time:

  • You could go to Insights → Team → Trackers → Filler Words Tracker. Make sure your team is selected in the dropdown on the top-left of the page, and adjust the other filters in the top-right of the page as needed.
  • You could have your Gong Admin build an Initiative Board (go to Insights → Initiatives) with the initiative tracked being use of filler words. This would allow you to easily see your usage of filler words over time, and set adoption goals to show how well you are doing with eliminating them from your vocabulary on calls.
  • If you use Salesforce, you could ask your Salesforce Admin team to create a report/dashboard in there using information from your Filler Words tracker. It wouldn’t be too difficult to build out a dashboard showing usage of filler words over time.

If you or your Gong Admin are looking for extra help getting any of these set up, let me know! I’d be happy to provide more detailed instructions here, or even jump on a Zoom call to consult.

Thank you Kevin! I’ll give this a shot any let you know if I have any questions

This is fantastic! Thank you so much for taking the time to share some tips @Kevin O'Neill!! 🙏

Hi @Kevin O'Neill ! 

First of all, thanks! I was just working on a smart tracker for that exact purpose when I was added to this thread. 

I didn’t find "Filler Words Tracker” in: Insights → Team → Trackers… Do I need to create this tracker or it already exists? 

Thanks again 

Inbal S. 

Hey @Inbal Shacked! You (or your Gong Admin) will need to create the tracker for filler words. I would recommend just creating a simple keyword tracker and inputting words like um, uh, oh, er, ah, like, etc. You could probably find a more exhaustive list of filler words online somewhere to use if you really want to capture any possible filler words.

Hey @Inbal Shacked! You (or your Gong Admin) will need to create the tracker for filler words. I would recommend just creating a simple keyword tracker and inputting words like um, uh, oh, er, ah, like, etc. You could probably find a more exhaustive list of filler words online somewhere to use if you really want to capture any possible filler words.


Thanks! I’m the Gong Admin. I’m still back to my basic problem: When trying to set up the tracker, I can only use a minimum of 3 words in every “phrase” I add to the tracker, hence - I can’t ask it to track filler words as you suggested. How can I add 1 word as examples of trackers? I built a smart tracker. Is it possible to add one word in regular trackers? is that how you mean? 


@Inbal Shacked ah there is your issue! For this particular effort you will want to create a keyword tracker, not a smart tracker. Keyword trackers allow you to put in words or phrases of any length. Be sure to separate each word/phrase with a comma. 

OK, got it! thank you very much. 

@Inbal Shacked ah there is your issue! For this particular effort you will want to create a keyword tracker, not a smart tracker. Keyword trackers allow you to put in words or phrases of any length. Be sure to separate each word/phrase with a comma. 

Hi @Kevin O'Neill, I’ve built a word tracker and entered the following: 

um,uh,oh,er,ah,like,Basically,ok ok ok,Yeah,Okay Brilliant,yeah yeah yeah,right right,so so,so,I mean

I went to Insights → Team → Trackers → Filler Words, and got 0. it didn’t identify anything in the past 90 days. what could be the problem? attaching a screenshot of my tracker. maybe the language needs to be only English!? 



