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Our Gong Community’s origin story

  • 29 June 2021
  • 0 replies
Our Gong Community’s origin story

I hear a lot of great feedback from our customers about how much value they see in the conversations and knowledge sharing they have with other customers at Gong events like #celebrate.

Case in point:

This is so valuable for me, not only hearing how other customers use Gong, but how they structure their process and how they overcome problems that relate to our business.”

~A happy Gong customer


It was only natural for us to enable this type of sharing at scale by launching the Gong Community. We want to help educate revenue practitioners by allowing them to learn from each other so they can take their teams to the next level.

That requires an active, vibrant, and innovative community whose members are up to speed on the top tips and best practices. One where they collaborate to collectively reshape reality. Revenue reality!


It’s our sincere hope that this Community can advance Revenue Intelligence and inspire the next generation of revenue leaders and practitioners … that it will help educate revenue professionals like you, and bring you together with your peers to advance your career and your company goals. 


You’ll be able to help your team use Revenue Intelligence to improve how they work so they remain relevant and competitive. You’ll learn how to get to the unfiltered truth about your customer interactions and deals, and transform the way you go to market. There are no limits with this Community behind you! 


We’re so glad you’re here to offer up insights and learn from your peers. Thanks for being here.


Eran Aloni
Chief Customer Officer |

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