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Commercial CSM @Abigail Salvador  shares how she uses Gong to prepare herself for upcoming customer negotiations. This is a workflow that everyone who does negotiation calls can learn from. Watch how @Abigail Salvador  prepares herself with the best talk tracks to take control of her book, ensure her negotiation calls are value driven and drives velocity in her renewals.

Abby’s Superpower
"My superpower is my ability to get ahead of risky conversations by tapping into how successful CSM handle negotiations"

Why It’s Important
" Maintaining control and centering the customer conversation will drive better renewal velocity"

Abby’s Workflow
"First, identify the call by searching by call titles where negotiation likely happens"

Finding the Right Type of Risk
"Then I lean into the specific type of risk to help you identify which calls to listen to. In this case I want to hear when pricing is discussed"

Leaning in On The Customer Voice
"I refine by search by only listening to the customers objections"

Understand How Top Performers Handle Negotiation
"I like to focus on listening to calls with peers who have had the most success with negotiation"

Fitting Call Prep Efforts into Her Day
"I'll click on listen later to allow me revisit the call when I can fully focus on it"

Impact of Preparing for Calls
"Arming yourself with the best talk tracks will allow you to take control of your book, drive better value, and maintain velocity in your renewals"


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