How can I change the name of each caller? I uploaded some recordings, but each caller's name is inaccurate.
I’m going to check with our teams internally and get back to you with an answer shortly. Thanks for your patience!
I’ve asked around internally and as far as I know, this is unfortunately not possible. I would recommend reaching out to our Support team or your CSM for further assistance!
Hey there
For one of my clients, his name is coming up as someone completely different. The job title is correct, weirdly, but i’d love to be able to amend this in Gong to reflect the actual client’s name. Has this been reported by anyone else at all, or is this something that can now be amended and I just haven’t figured out how? :)
+1 - I would love this feature.
Your requests are funneled directly to our Product team for prioritization.
+1 I’d love this feature too, for me it’s when I manually import a recording.
Hi friends, good news!
This feature request is on our roadmap and is scheduled for release in early Q2. Thanks for making your voices heard to our Product team!
Just checking if there is a release date on this yet.
+1 commenting to keep track of when this goes live! Was kind of shocked / surprised Gong didn’t have this capability yet given just about all of the other smaller competitors allow you to adjust caller names for uploaded recordings.
Any chance our company can request access for limited availability beta?
Me too please!
Checking on this for you!
If there’s anyone else on this thread who would like to be added to the beta, please let me know!
I’d really love to be able to update the names of participants in imported calls:

You bet
You bet
Hi everyone, exciting news! 🥳
This feature is now in GA, which means you all have access! Here’s the skinny:
What’s New?
Customers can now change the name of speakers in their calls directly from the call page.
Improve search, analysis, tracking, and CRM capture, and make it easier for our customers to gather insights.
Below the call video, hover the speaker’s name to show the edit symbol. Click to open an edit window where you can search for and choose the correct speaker name. After editing, the new name will be reflected throughout Gong: in stats, call spotlight, transcripts, and more.
Check out this help article for more information on how to enable and use this feature.
Only admins, tech admins, and call participants can change a speaker’s name in a specific call.
The feature is available for all types of calls except for stereo calls.
Awesome. Thanks,
When I upload calls, it renames me to main speaker when I’m not even there sometimes. We’d love access to the beta or to figure out a way to rename participants!
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