
Gong Engage Chrome Extension - Flow button question


So excited to see the Chrome Extension working in SFDC! Can you tell me if there are plans for the Flow button to work on the Campaign object? We really need to be able to add Leads and Contacts from Campaigns to a Flow. If you have any other suggestions or work around, we are all ears.

We’re excited about this direction!


Best answer by Brandon James 4 June 2024, 23:07

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Userlevel 6
Badge +1

Glad to hear you are liking the Engage Chrome extension in SFDC! Tagging in @Brandon James for some more insight into what’s next for Campaigns and Flows.

Userlevel 4
Badge +3

Hi! Yes, very glad you’re loving it. 

A few things:

  1. Support for the extension functionality within the Campaigns area is in the short term plans. I don’t have a specific timeline but it seems like a matter of weeks generally speaking
  2. You are able to filter based on campaign name from within the People tab in Engage now so that may be an alternative route to support this use case
  3. If you have/create a campaign lookup field on the lead or contact object, you can then filter on that and add someone to a flow using the extension functionality from that List view.


