@Julian this is an awesome question! Excited to hear from the Community here, but going to tag in our Education team as well for any pointers they may have. Stay tuned, and thank you for your patience!
Hey @Julian! @Shayna Katz shared a negative sentiment tracker that @Kendall Ritter created a few weeks ago. Copying that for you below:
"its taking longer than we thought, theres been org changes, we have a new, i haven't gone through this process before, we have a new process, security has a new process, we need a security review, long term impacts on business, lower budgets, misleading, misled, necessary precautions, never, next year, we can look at this in end of, we need to look at this at a later time, its not moving as fast as, no approvals, no budget allocation, no capacity, no integration, no more money, no purchasing, no spend, no thank you, no value, not budgeted, not now, not seeing the value, on a freeze, we are looking at a few options, pause my account, pausing evaluation, we need to push, push this, postpone call, postpone the meeting, postpone the start date, priorities have changed, purchase is on hold, push a decision, push date, push deal, push meeting, push the decision, push this off a couple of weeks, put a pause on this, re-evaluating numbers, revisit the numbers, slow down, slow down for now, slowdown, spending freeze, spending slowdown, suspend my account, suspending evaluation, suspending operations, there is no clear timeline, tighter budget approvals, too early, too late, trying to assess the situation, uncertain times, we are on hold, we don't know what our plans are, when things are normal, when things get better, wrong time, wrong timing"
I hope this is helpful! I’ll let the Community weigh in on any positive sentiment trackers they may use. 
This is great, thank you so much for sharing @Molly Kipnis, and @Kendall Ritter for creating the initial list!.
Follow up question - is there a way to see the tracker by account name, instead of team member (which in our case, is the implementation manager)? We need to easily identify what accounts, if any, have a negative (or positive) sentiment.
Hi Julian! I recommend using the deal-board for this and adding the Tracker directly to your page to surface by opportunity, renewal, etc.
Thank you @Kendall Ritter! That is so obvious and how we use it for new opportunities. I was able to create a deal board for renewals and add the trackers. Now our AM team has more clarity than ever on the sentiment of our clients as they approach renewals.
Having our implementation and support team calls tracked on Gong has been a game changer for us, and this sentiment trackers and deal board is taking the value of Gong to the next level - so awesome!
Thank you @Kendall Ritter! That is so obvious and how we use it for new opportunities. I was able to create a deal board for renewals and add the trackers. Now our AM team has more clarity than ever on the sentiment of our clients as they approach renewals.
Having our implementation and support team calls tracked on Gong has been a game changer for us, and this sentiment trackers and deal board is taking the value of Gong to the next level - so awesome!
This is AMAZING @Julian! @Kendall Ritter, thank you for sharing your wisdom 
Hi - Is the sentiment tracker available? I would like to see it and use it in Gong please!
Hi @Sanchi Lunawat — there is no specific sentiment tracker, but you can build your own using the suggested phrases above for tracking negative sentiment :)