Hi all - a topic you are all bound to be hearing a lot more of is the topic of Voice of the Customer. You can read my POV on why here is that is of interest (https://www.linkedin.com/posts/ryanmcahill_voiceofthecustomer-customersuccess-activity-7113171118781288448-j5gC/)
But the discussion I wanted to have here is tips and tricks on how to leverage Gong or refine configuration to help provide leadership with better VOC insights.
As I outlined in my LI post, I think there are two key drivers:
- Customers are under financial pressure and doing value audit of systems leading to some difficult discussion with business stakeholders and vendors that the system is not delivering the value expected. (some of you might have this same discussion around Gong, let su know if you do and we can help)
- Revenue leaders are under pressure because what they are being told from system and the field does not match the reality of the outcome and it leaves them frustrated by the lack of clarity. The VOC is a catch all bucket in some respects for we don’t know what is wrong.
Here are some practical tips we think can help in these two scenarios, but want to hear other ideas or experiences as well as we believe this topic and issue will be around for many quarters to come.
Leverage call recording to review what prospects and customers are actually saying (I know this sounds like a common sense, but shocked how few leaders actually listen to calls). As enablement leaders, you might want to curate a list of a few key examples to share with leadership to help them shortcut the process.
Start using trackers for key value related terms, depending on the specific vernacular you use internal or the key terms you are seeing with the prospect/customer audience, start tracking even the words or phrases coming up on calls. It is a huge missed opportunity to not ask the simple question in CS of “how would you describe the value/benefit of our solution for your company?”.
Start tracking and reporting on how far in advance CSM/AM teams are engaging with customer in advance to renewals. If you have to play catch up in value realized for a client, the more time the better. A longer runway in conjunction with trackers around the value discussion will help give you a fighting change to combat churn.
In deal boards pay close attention to value/impact/benefit language and trackers to see if we really know why a new customer might buy our product and make sure we are able to make a strong value case as new budget dollars are hard to come by.
What other ideas to y’all have?