
Team Stats - Include All Call Data

  • 8 September 2021
  • 8 replies


On the Team Stats screen, what changes when you flip the “Include all call data” switch? In other words, what additional data is included that wasn’t included before?


Best answer by Brandon James 9 September 2021, 21:57

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Userlevel 4
Badge +3

Hi Frank,


Great question! The default (when that is switched off) shows only stats for calls those individuals hosted. When it is switched on, it also shows stats for calls they were a participant on.


When it is switched on, you’ll notice that there is an “two silhouette” icon that appears next to three of the stats (Talk Ratio, Longest Monologue, and  Patience):



This indicates that those stats are affected by that switch as those three can be attributed to individuals whereas the other 3 are conversation level attributes and will only affect the stats of the host.


Let me if you have any additional questions on this or other topics, appreciate you contributing this discussion to the community!

@Frank Chambers check out @Brandon James answer above! Hope it helps you!!! 


Thank you @Brandon James!


That is what I suspected - I just couldn’t find anything that explicitly confirmed.

So I have been looking at this report and I have one of my team members who has fewer calls when it is toggled on. Any idea why if Gong is counting all calls why it would be lower when it is just counting their calls where they are the owner? 



The bottom one that is 9 when toggled off aligns with the 4th from the bottom that shows 7 when toggled on.



Userlevel 6
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Hey @Gabe Macaluso, thanks so much for your question! I’ve passed this along to a member of our Support team who will be reaching out to you via email to help you get this resolved. I appreciate your patience! 

Can I get more clarity around what exactly is being captured with the ‘all calls’ toggle? I believe the verbiage under the Help Center is ‘Calls they attended and spoke in, but owned by another team member’. Is this including calls that aren’t being recorded such as internal meetings hosting by other team members? The volume of calls is doubling for some individuals after toggling it on.

Thanks in advance for any insight.  

Userlevel 4
Badge +3

Hi @Johnny Chen, these stats only pertain to recorded calls so any calls not recorded will not affect these metrics. With the toggle on you’re seeing the stats for the calls they have hosted as well as the specific stats mentioned above on calls that have been recorded but hosted by another employee where the employee whose stats were examining spoke on the call. 


I’m hopeful that that answers your question in a helpful manner. If not, let me know! 

@Brandon James Thanks for the clarification. The problem on my end, is that I’m unable to reconcile the numbers on my end after toggling ‘all calls’. I have access to the parties table which allows me to see who has any speaking time during all calls. Theoretically, this should allow me to all calls someone attended regardless of their status as a host. 


What I really want to be able to do is access the ‘View in Calls Page’ option. This link is only available when the ‘all call’ toggle is off.


This link only shows up when the toggle for ‘all calls’ is off

If these stats are generated from recorded calls within Gong, is there a way to generate an csv export of the additional calls from the toggle? 

Thanks for your help, this has been a headscratcher for me for a bit. 
