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View all team members, regardless of heirarchy

  • 6 September 2024
  • 2 replies

I feel like I must be missing something… I’m an admin and want to see data/stats (on the Insights > Team page and elsewhere) for my entire organization - not by team, not having to select individual teams or users, I just want an option to see EVERYONE. Or at least to have a quick “select all” option so I don’t have to click team-by-team, one-by-one to add everyone. 

Am I missing something? We’re integrated with SF for most users, so the manager attribute is coming from there, but others are manually added (i.e. those without an SF account). I would think I could select our CEO’s team and that would include all cascading members below, but it doesn’t. I just want an easy way to look at everything at once. Ideas?

Hi @Leigh Oxley, thank you for your question!

When you select your CEO’s team in the Insights > Team page, there should be a button to the right of the selection menu where you can select to see “Individuals.” This should give you a list of everyone in your organization, and the tabs at the top provide insights that apply to the entire organization.

I hope this helps, please reach out with any more questions!

Aha! Thank you!! That’s exactly what I was looking for! pr🙌🏻
