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Deal Forecast View - Full Fiscal Year

As part of my team forecast process I’d like to see the teams full pipeline for the fiscal year (ideally grouped by quarter, but I’d settle for just full fiscal year). Currently our “Deals closing in” options are limited to months and quarters. Is there a way to turn on an option to show full fiscal year or enter a custom range?

Hi @Scott Thissen


You can filter your view with custom dates - screenshot attached. Please let me know if this isn’t what you are looking for! 



Thank you @Molly Kipnis Molly! That particular view is a bit more granular than what I was looking for. I was trying to do the same filter but on the forecast tab under Forecast Updates and Changes. Do you know if there’s a way to add custom dates to either of those sections.


Ah @Scott Thissen, super helpful! Appreciate you sharing screenshots. 


As of now, we do not yet have an annual view. It’s on our roadmap but we don’t have a specific timeline just yet. 


Pro-tip, if you want to request this as a feature in Gong, you can do that on the righthand side of this page. Requests from the Community go straight to our Product team for prioritization. 


I hope this helps! 
