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Post Quarter Analysis - wins and/or losses

  • 31 March 2023
  • 1 reply

Hello Community - Well, it’s the end of Q1 for many and I hope every did well.   I am looking for any insight or suggestions on how my fellow Gong users do any sort of a post game analysis of closed won or closed lost deals.  I know there is win rate info in Gong but what other factors or metrics do you look at in terms of finding patterns in closed won business?   Same for closed lost.   For example, I can see in my deals that two topics in particular (What we do + training and support) when talked about as the #1 and #2 topics closed much faster and much more predictably than other deals in our pipe.  However, there is no way that I can see to extract this data easily w/o digging deep into each individual opportunity.   Ultimately, I am looking for commonalities that I can use to help forecast more accurately and make my business more efficient.   If anyone has ideas and wants to chat please let me know.   Thanks!  Joe 

1 reply

Userlevel 6
Badge +1

Ooo this is a good question! Tagging in a few folks who may be able to share some ideas: 

@Andy Carlson @Tiffany Burton @James Bissell @Jeremy Painkin @Jeremy Park @Abe Bergan @Katrine Reddin @Sean Allen @tristandeschler @Melissa Strauss @April Shanbari @Rob.Bright @Lindsey Fine @Chris Mullins @Robert Williams @ryanclifford @John Hope @Zach Schemenaur @Dan Pollard @Ken Edwards @Alex Waiman 
