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Tab Totals not working in Deal boards

  • 27 August 2024
  • 2 replies

My deal boards are working but the totals for the opportunity stages are showing all zeros with the exception of the total.   Any suggestions as to how I can get the totals to appear?   Screenshot attached.   Thanks, Joe

Hi @Joe Barrow, here are some tips!

• Ensure that the CRM field you're using as the deal value in the deal board matches the field set as the currency amount field in your Salesforce integration settings. You can check this by going to Settings > ;CRM] > Import from mCRM] area > Set the eCRM] currency amount field you want to appear as the deal value in Gong.
• If you have recently pulled in a new data point from your CRM, it might take some time for the values to be updated in the deal board. The sync cycle can be anywhere between a few minutes to a few hours.
• If you have made changes in your CRM, it will be updated in Gong in the next sync cycle which can be anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours.
• If you have made changes to the board settings, it can take up to an hour to recalculate the deals and show the new totals.
• If you are using a custom amount field in your deal boards, make sure that the field is set to the CRM field that splits are applied to.
• If you are using non-currency (numeric) fields in your deal boards, ensure that the field is set correctly.

If you’re still experiencing issues, you can use this link to fill out a support ticket:

Please reach out with any more questions!

Thanks so much for the reply.   I went in and confirmed my fields from Salesforce.   Thanks for that suggestion.   The tabs are still not totalling so I have submitted a ticket.   I appreciate the guidance Noga.   Thanks! 
