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On today’s episode of Gong on Gong, Commercial Customer Success Manager Jack Judge shares how he uses comments in Gong as a system of record to help get better visibility into what’s important to his customer and effectively collaborate cross-functionally. 


Keep reading (or if you’re a Gong customer, watch the video walkthrough here) to learn how to keep track of important customer information and share it efficiently across your organization! 


How are you leveraging comments in Gong? Let us know in the comments below!


Fun fact about Jack: he knows how to breakdance! 


Jack’s challenge: 


Keeping track of customer information and sharing it with his team


Jack’s superpower:


Using comments in Gong to get visibility into what matters to his customers


“The ability to leverage comments allows for everyone who is involved or will be involved with this customer to have the same qualitative understanding of what is most important to them.”


Jack’s workflow: 


  1. Open a call from the Gong homepage

  2. Identify the section of the call where you discuss your customer’s top business priorities

  3. Add business priorities + additional context to the comments section

  4. Post the comments and tag any relevant collaborators

  5. Use those comments to help you prep, loop in another team, or help team members who may be taking on the account get up to speed


“When I want to get ready for my next call or a business review all I need to do is come back to this kickoff call to quickly see what was top of mind for my customer.”


Jack’s best practice: 


“Set up a 15 to 30-minute block on your calendar so you can start adding these important notes to your calls.”


Jack’s bonus tip: Use the “Take Notes” feature in Gong so you can take these important notes live on the call and have them already timestamped in the comments section when the call uploads into Gong.

Love this tip from Jack! 

@Chad Skinner @Leslie Barrett @Ben Hobbs @Morgan Bradshaw curious if/how you use comments in Gong to stay on top of your accounts :) 

@Molly Kipnis I will check out the tips from Jack.  I have not been active within Gong very long--only a month--but will continue to utilize and learn more about Gong, utilizing Jack’s tips about Comments, in the coming months.

@Chad Skinner awesome, I hope this is helpful as you’re learning more about Gong!

@Molly Kipnis, great tips from Jack! We haven’t been using the comments in live time, more so adding them after the call, and typically more for feedback than anything. I like that with Jack’s example, he’s making it easier for others to get up to speed quickly by summarizing main points and then tagging relevant people, i.e. using Gong proactively rather than reactively - great!

@Molly Kipnis, great tips from Jack! We haven’t been using the comments in live time, more so adding them after the call, and typically more for feedback than anything. I like that with Jack’s example, he’s making it easier for others to get up to speed quickly by summarizing main points and then tagging relevant people, i.e. using Gong proactively rather than reactively - great!

@Ben Hobbs Yes, exactly! Love your takeaway of using Gong proactively. I’m glad this was helpful — would love to know if you end up trying this/how it goes! 
