
Salesforce - Call Participant ID not tracking

  • 8 February 2023
  • 2 replies


Hey there!

I have ~50 interactions where the Call participant ID is not being pushed over from Gong to Salesforce.

Looking to make reports in there for total duration of customer facing calls each sales representative is on, but these ones just won’t pull in for some reason

I’m able to click through to them though and see that there is a recording existing in Gong, so its strange that its not syncing like the rest of the ones we have

Additionally, does anyone know what metrics would be best used to track if multiple internal people were on a call? It seems to just be defaulting and rolling up to one of them

2 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +1

Hi @James Janssen! I’ve passed this along to our team for some thoughts on why this might be happening. Stay tuned, and apologies for the troubles! 

Userlevel 6
Badge +1

Hi again @James Janssen 🙂 Our Support team would be glad to help you troubleshoot this. Do you mind filling out a Support request and including screenshots?


Thanks so much! 
