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Task Type or Subtype in Salesforce

  • 8 February 2022
  • 11 replies

Hi all-


Has anyone ever brought gong calls into Salesforce as an activity type subtype.  I want to pull activity reports without using the report type of conversations. 

I heard that calls from GONG contain a subject starting with “ Zoom: ”, but subjects can be changed in Salesforce. The goal would be to determine which are phone calls and which are gong pre-scheduled calls.  




11 replies

Userlevel 6
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Hi Kristen! Great question — I’m checking with the team internally and hope to have an answer or direction for you shortly. Thanks for your patience! :) 

Userlevel 6
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Hi again @Kristen Pait!

This does fall under the Salesforce domain, but here’s what you can do: 

  1. Upon a call processing in Salesforce, add “Gong” to the subject line by using automation tools (workflows, apex, flows, etc.) within the report
  2. Specify subject lines that contain “Gong” to filter on those activities

Unfortunately, the subject is not something we can change from the Gong side, but I hope this is helpful! Please let me know if there’s anything else I can share. :) 

@Oliver Wang is our expert on this topic. 


@Molly Kipnis @Oliver Wang Following up on this.


I wasn’t trying to change the subject line, but more so have a activity sub type to differentiate.  Understood that I can change the subject line.  


Here is another thought:  Is there a way to ensure Gong Calls come in as an “activity type" of “meeting” rather than “call”?


As you can see we are getting LOTS of duplicates on our calls and just working through issues.  Our GONG calls are the ones coming in as Salesforce Tasks, and the duplicates are coming in as Salesforce events listed as meetings.  



@Kristen Pait 

Are activity records being pushed from both Zoom and Gong into Salesforce? This may be resulting in duplicates of the same activity happening. Our recommendation is to either A - Let all conversation interactions pass through Gong before pushing to tasks to Salesforce. B - Let conversation interactions push directly to Salesforce and turn off task push in Gong. Both should effectively reduce duplication in your Salesforce instance.


As for updating the activity subtype, while Gong will not be able to change the details on any of the activities being pushed in, you can certainly leverage any of the automation tools (apex, flows, etc) to update those records. Similar to the suggestion regarding changing the subject line with automation tools, the activity type can be defaulted to “Call” instead of “Meeting” the same way.

Hope this helps!


Has this changed?  All of our Gong recordings/transcripts are being pushed into SFDC as ‘Calls’ as well.  There is a big difference between Call and a Virtual Meeting (which is what we consider Gong).  We want these completed Gong recorded tasks to show as “Virtual Meeting” vs “Call” is there no way to do that without writing code in SFDC to change the disposition of the task type?  Really seems like everyone would view a virtual meeting and a simple outbound dial differently, but they both show as calls with no way to differentiate on reporting

Userlevel 6
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Hi @stephanie richman — I’m checking with the team on any changes to this. I will keep you updated as soon as I find out more! 

Userlevel 6
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Hi again @stephanie richman — 

To clarify, are you trying to create a report that shows the task subtype but also shows the subject so that you have the context you need? 

If so, it seems like we do distinguish in the subject of the task, so you can see a report of all “calls” and the subject will indicate if the call was a Zoom meeting or an outbound Gong call. 

Here’s a help article that might be useful:

Let me know if I’m on the right track here...🙂


@Molly Kipnis I may not be explaining this well- apologies.  Recorded Meetings are logged to SFDC with the activity type of “Call”- so literally an outbound dial with no answer = call and a 2 hour long recorded meeting shows as call.  That can’t be right..  I have to image there is a setting we are missing…


  • Recorded meetings: If the meeting is recorded, the recording of the meeting is added to the corresponding meeting invite task, and the task status is changed to Completed.

The above has a task type of CALL vs, Meeting in SFDC.. if you look at our activity reports, we have zero meetings- other than in-person ones that are manually logged because all GONG recorded meetings get pushed over as calls.  Hope this makes more sense now?  Thanks!


@Molly Kipnis Per below, says we can set default type of meeting, but can’t figure out how…



The documentation above is based on previous UI so was tough to follow, but then we also received this…

Hello Scott and Stephanie, 
Gong's R&D team has confirmed that this is a bug on our end! The ability to configure the task type for certain tasks has inadvertently been removed from our UI and we are working on rolling out a fix for this. 
The ETA for deployment is on Monday the 6th. Please let me know if you have any additional questions about this at all in the meantime! 


