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What's the Best Method for Tracking Pipeline Velocity?

  • 26 April 2024
  • 2 replies

I would like to easily see what is coming into the pipeline, falling out, and closing over time in the form of a graph and data points. Does anyone have tips or tricks for doing this in Gong/Salesforce?

2 replies

Userlevel 6
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Hey @Zak Fischenich! Tagging in a couple of folks who may be able to help you with this — @Grace Welch @Amanda Ly @Dustin Hurst @Kevin Heraly @Andrew O'Driscoll any thoughts on how Zak might be able to track pipeline velocity in Gong/Salesforce?



Thanks for the help, Molly! I’m trying to wrap my head around this in a way that doesn’t force me to build a tool in Excel. Ha. 
