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Calling all Gong Program Managers - Easy Survey to Track User Feedback!

  • 13 October 2022
  • 1 reply

Hello Gong Community,


My name is Sara and I am an Enterprise CSM here at Gong. If you are a Program Manager who tracks adoption and usage of Gong - I have a tool to add into your Program Manager toolbox when it comes to understanding how your tell feels about Gong (outside of just looking at the adoption numbers!)


Some of my best customers are always asking for creative ways to seek out or get ahead of any adoption gaps - especially when they:

  1. Are new to Gong or Expanding Gong to a new team
  2. Get an unfiltered voice of how their teams are liking Gong
  3. Looking to identify where they (as a program manager) can fill any gaps to unlock more value in Gong.

In fact, one of my customers has shared a helpful Google Survey out as a way to get anonymous feedback from their teams, which will in turn - allow you, their program manager, pivot or adjust prioties when it comes to Gong.

Check it out below and let me know what you think?

Also… if you have any creative ways you are asking for feedback from your frontlines, drop them in the comments!


Survey Screenshots:


1 reply

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@Jennifer Shockley-Daniels @Ryan Elizabeth Portner @John Machak @Gabriella Ofulue @Cierra Steiner @Margaret ONeill @Sanya Gandhi @Clarissa Snow @Kerry Heilskov @Anastasia Geisler @Viktorija @Alli Bloj @Ian Gwynne @Jared Hoffmann 

I thought you all might find this helpful if you’re looking to gather feedback from your Sales team!

Let us know what you think (and what tips you have for identifying adoption gaps)!
