Mining for Gold: How modern CIOs can impact revenue

  • 16 November 2021
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Mining for Gold: How modern CIOs can impact revenue
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Being a CIO is more challenging than ever. The shift to the public cloud, the burgeoning SaaS landscape, and a new focus on frictionless customer and employee experiences means a host of new and demanding hurdles for those in our position.  


Previously, the CIO role focused on functional and transformational efforts. From a functional perspective, CIO organizations spent a large portion of their time fighting fires, improving systems performance, and managing costs. Operationally, they focused on driving systems evolution, creating alignment, and redesigning business processes.


The increasing role of technology as a differentiator means an additional set of responsibilities for the modern CIO. We must now be strategic in identifying revenue opportunities, driving business innovation, and uncovering avenues for business differentiation. 


In essence, the modern CIO has a seat at the table when it comes to making top-level strategic decisions and driving value for their organizations. Today’s CIO is not only responsible for keeping the lights on and managing critical systems, they also affect revenue. 


I ask my team to “mine for gold” every day by challenging themselves to truly understand the business. It’s important that they know what the critical business drivers are, and seek out technologies that can help boost our revenue.


Mining for gold in B2B 


This is an incredibly exciting time for a CIO at a B2B SaaS company to mine for gold. From start-ups to mature companies, we’re all turning to game-changing technologies to help our go-to-market teams drive revenue with more efficiency, transparency, and critical business insights.


Long before I joined Gong, I recognized the value of revenue intelligence and its ability to drive growth by letting sales teams  operate based on  reality, as opposed to relying on hunches and opinions. 

Most CRM solutions rely on direct input from users. The data quality tends to be low, and sales professionals work with imperfect information, lagging indicators, and are forced to infer what they see. They go with their gut.  


Gong, on the other hand, obliterates these problems by delivering insights based on actual conversations, using AI to detect conversational themes, winning behaviors, objection-handling techniques, and insights. It has a robust API and natively integrates with your leading CRMs and dozens of other noteworthy technologies. 


Gong makes sales professionals  more efficient by reducing the amount of time they spend in their dreaded CRM systems, and maximizing the time they spend having on-point conversations with prospects and customers.


It also provides sales leaders with total transparency across their team’s performance. They can easily find and share winning talk tracks and sales tactics to up-level everyone on their team.


This technology is a no-brainer addition for modern CIOs who want to impact revenue and deliver technology that delights both employees and customers. Gong delivers critical revenue intelligence capabilities that result in a measurable impact. For my team and so many others, it’s gold in the pan!


Ready to join the revenue intelligence gold rush? 

Let’s have a conversation: Message me on LinkedIn.



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