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Tips from ‘Unlock Sales Productivity With Buyer Engagement Insights’

  • 14 September 2022
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Tips from ‘Unlock Sales Productivity With Buyer Engagement Insights’

Unlock Sales Productivity With Buyer Engagement Insights


Thanks for coming to our recent customer event: “Unlock Sales Productivity With Buyer Engagement Insights”. As promised, here are tips directly from Kelly Lewis, the VP of Revenue Enablement at Highspot. These tips will help you leverage Gong to have greater productivity, increase efficiency, and ensure effectiveness. (Watch the recording here.)


Steps to Measure Content Effectiveness:


Stage 1:How to understand employee usage

Are sellers adopting the tool?

What content is used most?

On what device do our sellers consume content?

What content needs refreshing?

What content should be archived?


Step 2: How to understand customer usage

What type of content are our sellers sharing?

What kind of content resonates with our customers and prospects?

What should we build next?

What do our partners read and share with our customers?

Step 3: Content Effectiveness

Do our sellers use content in their calls effectively?

Are our sellers positioning appropriately with our content?

Does an asset truly shorten a sales cycle?

Can we directly tie content delivery to dollars?

Gong x Highspot Story via a Methodology Implementation

  1. This spring Highspot implemented a new Sales Methodology

    1. As with all Sales Methodology implementations, it is a big investment in your people. There is a unique pressure that comes with change management to ensure the investment is realized in the field. The question my team kept asking ourselves is how do we keep their rep productive while also helping them through this huge change.

    2. Luckily for us we were able to leverage the power of both Gong and Highspot to ensure our implementation was successful. 

    3. Today I’ll talk through some of the different strategies we implemented to ensure adoption while limiting disruption and keeping reps productive. 

Stats around marketing content:

  1. 70%- 70% of the content marketing creates, including content for a sales methodology goes unused. 

  2. 87% - 87% of the training is forgotten in 30 days if not applied

  3. 73% - The good news is, when reps use the company’s methodology and get consistent coaching, reps see 73% quota attainment. (Spotio)


We all know it is getting harder and harder to prepare reps to engage clients and prospects

A Sale Methodology Implementation has a ton of components, see Highspot’s strategy below:

  1. Beta Testing 

    1. We didn’t want to roll out new messaging to the field until we have thoroughly Beta tested the messaging in the field. Through the Beta testing we learned a lot and were able to create some key resources for our reps.  

  2. Action-Based Sales Play

    1. Reps exactly what to know, say, do, and show. This sales play included snippets from Gong of another team showing what good looks like. This created comfort that the messaging was working in the field. 

    2. Continually updated with what good looks like

  3. Creating a safe space for reps to practice

    1. Courses live within Highspot so that Rep could see what good looks like, including what good looks like using Gong integration and providing a way for rep to practice in a safe environment

    2. Practice and coaching using the same score card that is in Gong

    3. Scalable to include for Onboarding to ensure new reps have the latest and greatest

  1. Tracking success within Gong

    1. Our CSM provided us access to their CVI playbook which included Trackers and Scorecards. This helped us in Enablement, Marketing, and Sales Leadership up to date on if it was being used in the field and if it was effective

    2. Scorecards in Gong

    3. Consistency

Activity Tab- See how pitching aligned to Calls. Through the activity tab we could see if reps were pitching the new content directly following the call.



Look out for a post-event email Friday morning with the event recording. 🎥

If you attended the event, tell us what you thought of it in the comments section below! 👇

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