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What Fun, Outbox ideas are using to drive engage in DEC

  • 2 December 2022
  • 5 replies

Business Development Leaders.


What fun and out of the box ideas are you using to drive SALs for Dec to close the year strong?

5 replies

Userlevel 6
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Hi @Ray Demes! Excellent question. 

Here’s a “How Gong Uses Gong” episode from @Kevin Wong on how to re-ignite prospect conversations in Gong:

We’ve also asked our internal team for some tips on this — more to come! Thanks for your patience 🙂

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@Scott Schaulin @Aaron @Lenny Goh @Dustin Hurst @BenM @Brandi Kenney @Jose Uralde @Roger Plummer @PhilSalesFunnels Curious to hear if any of you have creative ideas for driving SALs in December!

(I’ve got vintage Gong swag to give out before EOY...😁)

Userlevel 1
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Hey Molly,


Thanks for the reply. I will share one thing we are doing that is getting us some traction.  We created a wall of fame that has morphed in to Sifted Most Wanted.  The idea was to put up Daily, Weekly, and All Time best performances along with a most wanted poster of the individual that holds the record. Once we have an established record we assign a dollar value to poster and the next teammate to surpass the record becomes the new record holder and wins the award.  We take the old picture down and have the entire team sign it, and write a nice note on it; then share it with the former record holder.

Thanks for sharing and sending the video   

@Ray Demes, thanks for sharing that idea. We have a lot of new hires on the team and I think this is an excellent way for people to get to know each other and also recognize strong performance. I am going to share this with my team. @Molly Kipnis, we are creating campaigns with short product videos that hit common objections we’ve been facing in the market. The short videos are built into cadences that are teasers to a larger webinar we are hosting in the month. The hope is we can lean into our strong product and address common objections head on and early. Since we have a lot of new hires, we are hoping the cadences will help improve their time to productivity because the content is built out for them.


Userlevel 6
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Thank you both for sharing your strategies for engaging SALs within your teams!


@Ray Demes would love to see some examples of those wanted posters 😁 Where does the Wall of Fame live? 


@Dustin Hurst love to hear how you’re using these videos for new hires too. So smart!
