Support Tip of the Week: How to use Gong’s Consent page

  • 8 November 2021
  • 0 replies

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Gong’s Consent page allows you to notify meeting participants before they join a call that it will be recorded. Here’s how you use this feature:

  1. Link your personal meeting room to your Gong profile in the consent page settings.

  2. Copy your consent page URL and add it to your meeting invites. You can also use the Gong add-on to automatically populate the URL in your invites.

When your meeting participants click on the link, they’ll be directed to your consent page, which asks for their consent to record, then they’ll be redirected to the meeting. If they choose “Join but don’t record,” the call will automatically stop recording.

Note that this only works for static personal meeting rooms.

Want to learn more? Check out this help article, here.

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