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We asked Gong staff, “If you could keep one workflow from Gong, which one would it be?”


Our Product Marketing Manager, Elvis, knew right away: ticklers


They’re alerts that help you learn the real voice of your market. Elvis’s work involves gathering info from our market, customers, and prospects to support our go-to-market teams. Ticklers are how he cuts through the noise to find the market signals that matter. 


Want concrete examples?

This time last year, we helped field sales teams pivot into remote selling. Elvis used ticklers to inform our messaging to customers. He also used them to make sure the rebrand was adopted consistently and properly on sales teams. 


I have my own version of a tickler for an internal initiative called ‘Belong at Gong’. I get notified when a call with ‘Belong at Gong’ in the title finishes, so I can stay up to date on the latest and greatest on what we’re doing for DE&I, and in the community. I also has one for Deal Drivers, a newer feature that I him working on his talk track. The tickler notifies me when it’s spoken about by the sales team. 


Which ‘tickler’ do you need?

Need one for something you're trying to stay on top of? A talk track you're trying to improve? A habit you’re trying to create? Ticklers are a surefire way to succeed with Gong.


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