
Adding license/ user type to the Users API endpoints

  • 25 January 2024
  • 1 reply

Userlevel 5
Badge +3

There is nothing in the various “Users” API endpoints that can tell if a given user has a paid seat (Gong Professional, Forecast, Engage) or not.  This would be useful for integrations where you need to know more about the user than the current API gives.


The settings array gives a good indicator if someone is paid or not, since any value if true indicates a paid seat, but it does not tell you if all the values are false if the user is paid or not. 


"settings": {

"webConferencesRecorded": false,

"preventWebConferenceRecording": false,

"telephonyCallsImported": false,

"emailsImported": false,

"preventEmailImport": false,

"nonRecordedMeetingsImported": false,

"gongConnectEnabled": false




1 reply

Userlevel 6
Badge +1

@Andrew O'Driscoll Thank you for the suggestion! Please submit this as a feature request on the righthand side of this page — requests that come through the Community are prioritized by our Product team. 🙂
