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I love Gong’s recording technology. Can I export the call recording audio file to an S3 bucket or drive folder? thanks 

@Maruthi Medisetty Use the call and look at the returned media.audioURL property. Notice the URL has an X-Amz-Expires property with a value of 28800, which is 8 hours, so you will have to run the call and copy the file before the expiration. See there is also a videoUrl property. 

Defer to you on the best way to build the S3 data pipeline part.


Media files information


Thank you @Andrew O'Driscoll!

@Maruthi Medisetty, does that answer your question?  

Thanks @Andrew O'Driscoll. Would love to connect with you, I have sent you a linkedin connect :) 


@Molly Kipnis that answers my question. 

@Maruthi Medisetty wonderful! Happy connecting :) 
