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v2/calls query example

  • December 29, 2023
  • 3 replies


I’m having difficulty applying a filter to the v2/calls endpoint

the filter i have constructed looks like this


The results I get seems to ignore that filter completely

I an sending a get.


Thanks In advance.



3 replies

Andrew O'Driscoll

@steve it’s filter not filters

try it without the s


Hi Steve,

Thanks for posting here!

With the v2/calls endpoint being a GET request, you do not need to supply a JSON Body as required by the /v2/calls/extensive endpoint which accepts a POST request.

Instead, you should append the fromDateTime and toDateTime as URL Query Parameters with your GET request to v2/calls.

For example:



Alternatively, if you do want to retrieve a more robust set of insights related to call data you can use the v2/calls/extensive endpoint. Below is an example JSON body that you can send with this POST request to retrieve all available call data from the provided fromDateTime.


    "contentSelector": {
        "context": "Extended",
        "contextTiming": [
        "exposedFields": {
            "collaboration": {
                "publicComments": true
            "content": {
                "pointsOfInterest": true,
                "structure": true,
                "topics": true,
                "trackers": true,
                "trackerOccurrences": true,
                "brief": true,
                "outline": true,
                "highlights": true,
                "callOutcome": true,
                "keyPoints": true
            "interaction": {
                "personInteractionStats": true,
                "questions": true,
                "speakers": true,
                "video": true
            "media": true,
            "parties": true
    "filter": {
        "fromDateTime": "2018-02-17T02:30:00-08:00"


Note: with both the v2/calls and v2/calls/extensive endpoint you don’t have to provide a toDateTime parameter if you’re looking to get all calls from a given date (fromDateTime)

I hope this helps! 


Thanks that got me settled. 

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