
Can Gong update only certain Salesforce event records?

  • 18 April 2023
  • 7 replies


We don’t need to update all related Salesforce event records.  Nor do we need to sync all the Gong data into Salesforce.  We just need to update the related Salesforce event as to the duration of the meeting.  Does Gong have out of the box configuration that can do this?  Or is an api call required?


7 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +1

Hey @jackatdisplayr! Good question.

I just shared this internally and will let you know if anyone on our team has a solution for you ASAP.

Thanks for visiting the Visioneer Community! 

Userlevel 6
Badge +1

Hello @jackatdisplayr

Chatting with the team about this — it seems like the only way to do this is through implementing a Salesforce automation to capture the duration form the Conversation record and update any related event record. 

Tagging in @shifarad who can add in some more context or answer any follow-up questions you may have. @Shif Arad 

Hi @jackatdisplayr OOTB we are pushing the Call duration (And many other attributes) through our Gong for Salesforce app, which is available for free. Each call in Gong will result as a Gong Conversation record in Salesforce, which can then be a trigger to automate some data transfer to your activity. It will require some thinking on how to locate the correct Event record, which we can figure out together

Hi @shifarad!
Do you have any “guidelines” to match Gong Conversation to the corresponding Event? :-) 

HI @Emeric Dury 

BY now you should be able to see the Call Duration (Minutes and seconds) already available for you in the activity records. These are the Salesforce standard fields we are now populating.

Hi @shifarad ,

thanks for your return - My goal is to link these 2 objects - I actually use another solution to log my activities in Salesforce, that’s why I would like to match it with Conversations

@Emeric Dury I’m attaching a non official document describing the steps. This is not bullet proof, but it worked for more than 1 customer. Hope that helps
