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In today’s meetup we discussed: 

  • How Visioneers for their SKO/RKO 
  • Recent New Gong features 
  • Community Corner

Thank you to everyone who joined our 2024 How Visioneers Use Gong kickoff call! We were excited to see some returning faces and welcome some new ones too! If you weren’t able to join, you can access the recording here.


We kicked off the new year with some exciting changes! I’m thrilled to join @Andrew O'Driscoll as the new co-host for the community meetup! In the spirit of change, we shared our ideas for the new format and new segments. 

This is a community-driven meetup, we would love to hear the ideas and suggestions of topics you’d like to hear about or ways we could enhance our community!


We know that SKO is on everyone’s mind! The community shared how they planned to use Gong during and after SKO! Some ideas included: promoting Gong for sharing best practices, using snippets to put new sales frameworks to the test, and measuring adoption post-SKO.


Shoutout to @alliegurrieri for bringing up what is likely on the mind of many BDR enablement practitioners: how to get the most from Gong for cold calls when, due to recording laws, only the voice of the BDR is captured. 

Listen to the conversation at minute 12:00 to hear the community share resourceful ideas like: look at question rate, next step tracker, slide titles used, use of the reframe to capture the voice of the customer, etc. 

If you have any unique ways you’ve worked around this for your revenue team, check out her original post in the community and share your thoughts!


How do you keep up with all of Gong’s great product feature releases? While the community shared some of the unique ways they stay up-to-date (below), we all agreed that having Andrew cover the highlights is one of our favorite ways!

Andrew covered some of the recent Gong product features including listen from 24:31]

  • Deal Board ad-hoc filters 
  • Deal Board - Grouping (coming soon)
  • Key points in the call spotlight
  • Call Spotlight for Telephony Calls

So, how does the community keep up with the releases?

Thanks to @Alec Levandoski @alliegurrieri @Max Caesar @Peter Newcomb for sharing their insights with the community!


Looking ahead!

"My CFO and Gong - a love story" 

Picture this: You arrive at your company and discover your CFO's disfavor towards Gong. What do you do? 

Join us for a Valentine's Day Edition of How Visioneers Use Gong, where @Bradley Ciné will share how he turned his CFO into a raving fan!

Register to join us and hear Bradley’s story on February 14th, 1PM EST!



@Courtney_Mirakl it’s great having your energy, ideas, product knowledge and network in our community.  Thank you.  

Incredible session today! Loved seeing you there @alliegurrieri @Max Caesar @Alec Levandoski 
