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Looking to Build a Comprehensive Gong Enablement Plan (Whatever that means, right?)

  • 11 October 2021
  • 2 replies

Does anyone have any sample frameworks or business plans/enablement plans on how to use all of the functionality in Gong and tether it to an overall Enablement strategy with various deliverables, use of the library, etc.?

2 replies

Hi @Paul Bickford great questions and thanks for joining the Community- you rock!! We’ve got a few resources that might be helpful to you! Let me know if this is helpful!

cc’ing @Brandon James @Mark Banuelos @Lindsay Stevens some experts on this topic that might have some additional ideas for ya!

Userlevel 4
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Hi Paul,


I’m probably repeating most of what the resources above mention but I figured a concise write up may benefit future viewers of this post.


  1. Library - Curate this in a manner that will support new joiners to see what good looks like from day one. Organizing content by product/service, deal stages, specific objections or pieces of messaging and even having folders with all of the calls from marquee deals will help your new team members experience many if not all of the key scenarios they need to be prepared for as they get ramped into their role. Its helpful to make sure there are comments on key moments of any full calls that are saved to a library folder to enrich the learner experience as well as always making notes when adding content to the library to highlight the key value of the content being reviewed. As an added bonus, if you have any great clips of your senior leadership or executives on calls with customers, a folder of those is always motivating. 
  2. Scorecards - Create a scorecard in your Gong instance for one or a few key engagements that this rep needs to master and use it to evaluate their performance as they’re getting started. A great way to work them into this is to have them record mock calls with a tenured teammate that are recorded and uploaded to Gong and then ask them to review the call (great to get in the habit of listening to your own calls) and leave comments with some self critique, followed by a manager/enablement filling out the scorecard and then debriefing.
  3. Stats and Call Search - If you already have a good idea of what good looks like across your team with regards to some of the key interaction metrics in Gong, orient them to the stats tab and make sure they and their manager monitor their performance as they get started so that any major deviations can be quickly corrected. Gong has given your team lots of historical insights on what top reps do and how they show up so that you can use those insights to show new team members what good entails. A great way to leverage the automation capabilities in Gong is to save a search in the Calls tab for some “must haves” within conversations (could be key messaging or putting some guardrails on important interaction stats) so that Gong lets you know whenever any of these things don’t occur in conversations, allowing timely follow up. This is also a really helpful tool to understand the adoption of new messaging or deprecation of old messaging and insuring that what you’ve coached/enabled on is taking hold.
  4. Ongoing routines - Set clear expectations of their role in using Gong to help them succeed. Have them tag their manager in a certain number of calls (1-2 is a great starting point) per week, perhaps even in specific spots (agenda, next steps, objection handling) to a) build a habit of rep initiated feedback and b) allow evaluation of whether what they say went well is indeed good.
  5. Make sure they get a solid introduction to Gong from those who know it best. Selfishly, my team and I have put hundreds of hours of time into perfecting how we deliver introductory training on Gong to end users and we’d love to have the opportunity to orient your new team members to Gong so that you can focus on their learning of your product, sales motion etc. Our Getting Started for Revenue Professionals runs twice a week and is a great component of an excellent overall onboarding experience. 

Hope this is helpful, let us know if you have any questions on anything I mentioned!
