12 Days of Gong: How Greenlight Guru’s Director of Sales Enablement Missy Parish used Gong to generate $1M in revenue

  • 20 December 2023
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12 Days of Gong: How Greenlight Guru’s Director of Sales Enablement Missy Parish used Gong to generate $1M in revenue
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🎶 On the tenth day of 12 Days of Gong, the Visioneer Community gave to me…


…Gong revenue generating best practices from Missy Parish! 🎶


In this video, Missy shares how she used Gong to speed up the sales cycle and generate $1M in revenue for Greenlight Guru.



The challenge: 

  • Solutions engineers were doing more demos per opportunity than typical, resulting in a slower sales cycle


The workflow: 

  • Solutions Engineers identify all features of software
  • Solutions Engineers record demos for each feature
  • Enablement team edits them into customer facing resources for AEs
  • Build video library in Gong of snippets
  • AEs share the videos with prospects so that they can track views and know when to reach back out/what follow up resources to send


The results: 

  • Generated $1M in revenue for the business
  • Average sales cycle went down by ~50%
  • 36% of deals where videos were used resulted in close/won
  • Average deal size was higher when videos were used


Missy’s favorite holiday tradition: “Buying dated ornaments from Hallmark for my kids so they have ornaments for every year of their life. My mom did this for my brother and I, so I love being able to continue the tradition with my own kids!” 


Thanks so much to Missy for sharing her story! Be sure to check out all of the live episodes of 12 Days of Gong here!


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