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One of the toughest challenges we face as frontline managers is a lack of time. Between closing deals/renewals and managing escalations, it’s incredibly difficult to find time to polish and execute a consistent coaching plan. 


Below are three tips that have helped me develop a simple, time-friendly coaching plan that leverages the Gong platform: 


1. Coach on your mobile 

You might be surprised to learn that I do about 75% of my coaching on the Gong mobile app. I’m at my most productive when I listen to calls while doing things I enjoy. For example, I often listen to calls while I’m just getting my day going, taking a lunch break, or on a walk. The mobile app makes it super easy to coach on the go.


2. Address two key points

I don’t like leaving a ton of comments in a rep’s call, as too much info is hard for the rep to implement. Instead, I leave one comment that focuses on two things: what’s good and where there are opportunities. An equal ratio of good to opportunities works, but I’ve found it’s best to focus more on the good.


3. Ask one really powerful coaching question 

As easy as it is to take apart a call in 15 pieces of feedback, it’s my job as a manager to synthesize the opportunities and choose the most important area to focus on. An alternative to the good and opportunities option is leaving one solid question. It can sum up your point brilliantly while getting the rep to really think about the call. Here are a couple of examples:


"What's the real challenge they’re facing that we can help with?"

"How does their decision making process work for purchasing software?"


These three tips - (1) coaching on mobile, (2) addressing two key points and (3) asking one powerful question will help you optimize your coaching strategy while providing consistency and value for your reps. 


Have any other tips and/or takeaways for consistent coaching plans? Share them so we all win! 👇



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Incredible stuff @Chip Grossman! Thanks so much for sharing :) 


Tagging in some Sales Managers to share: What are some of your best time-saving coaching tips? 

@Alyssa Starman @Robert Andreasen @Andres Bruzzoni @nmata @Christopher Carmena @Denzel Montford @Abi Gitler 

These are such great recommendations, @Chip Grossman!!!

@Jared Hoffmann this is perfectly timed! 

These are GREAT suggestions!  I often use the Mobile App to review calls as it is much quicker and you can also score the Call using a Scorecard through the Mobile App as well.

I often leave too many comments on 1 call and have thought it was too much for a Rep.


This post has made me realize I was making TOO many comments, without focusing on ANY 1 thing.


Knowing the above, I can not spend less time reviewing the whole call and I can focus on 1 thing at a time.  Once we have conquered that “1 thing”, I can move onto the next as well as be more productive with my time.


GREAT TIPS and thanks for adding me to this Post.  


Knowledge is POWER!

@Robert Andreasen love to hear that! What’s your favorite coaching question?

Thanks @Nicole Pettit and @Molly Kipnis !

Anything starting with, “can you help me with...” Half the battle is getting people to understand their weaknesses and acknowledging those weaknesses in order to overcome those weaknesses.

When people are asking “can you help me ….” it tells me they are looking to improve which is music to my ears.

I often find my most successful reps are the ones who demand the most attention! 

Anything starting with, “can you help me with...” Half the battle is getting people to understand their weaknesses and acknowledging those weaknesses in order to overcome those weaknesses.

When people are asking “can you help me ….” it tells me they are looking to improve which is music to my ears.

I often find my most successful reps are the ones who demand the most attention! 

This is amazing @Robert Andreasen! Your reps are lucky to have you!  

@Robert Andreasen Love that - do you ask “can you help me with….” to your reps? Or vice versa?

@Robert Andreasen Love that - do you ask “can you help me with….” to your reps? Or vice versa?

Absolutely.  EVERYBODY likes help.  No body likes to be sold!  “How can I help you with...?  Can you please help me understand...” Can I please get your help...”  HELP is a POWERFUL word!

@Robert Andreasen Brilliant!!

For quick coaching, I like to turn off all speakers except the customer and then listen at 2x speed.  As soon as I hear the customer say something of interest, I pause and listen to how my rep responds.  I find these surface coaching moments very easily and quickly and saves me from listening to a whole call.   


Other thing is to go to “questions asked” in points of interest and listen to how my rep responded to their questions.  Did they ask more questions before just answering?  Were they curious enough or did they go straight into pitching?  
