Using Deal Boards to automatically inspect your forecast

  • 8 June 2022
  • 3 replies


Forecasting isn’t just about calling a number — It’s about getting accurate data and creating an action plan.

The problem is - most leaders can’t see deal hurdles until it’s too late (...and the deal may already be lost)!

That’s why my favorite thing to do every morning is to look at my Deal Board – the RED FLAG deal warnings allows me to see potential risks identified directly by prospects across my entire team’s pipeline, so I can instantly see where we need to focus in order to win. This also shows:


-which deals are stalled (and why)

-who to needs to get involved 

-which deals are beginning to ghost us


I spend about 30 minutes every day on my MEDDPICC Deal Board (...which automatically inspects our pipeline) to move deals forward and forecast based on data I trust.

A little bit of truth serum (eg. VISIBILITY) can turn your deal (or entire quarter) around! Happy selling!   #UnlockReality



3 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +1

@Korlan Buxton this is 🔥🔥🔥!!!! Thank you for sharing with the Gong Community! 

@Jon Schwartz @Aldeniz Silva @Kayla Kuzer @Matt Redmond @Vytautas Mikalonis @Robert Andreasen @Aryeh Abramowitz @Dave Gann @Bill Hansen @Nicole Gdanietz 

If you’re tagged above, I’d love to know how you start your mornings in Gong :) 

Userlevel 1

Well, now that you integrate with LinkedIn Sales Nav, I’d say I’ll be spending most of my days inside/beside Gong!

Userlevel 3

Love this
