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Hi Everyone! 


My named is Marshall Hamilton and I head up Sales Strategy for Sprout Social.  I’m partnering with Gong on a community meetup to discuss your topics, best practices, or just to riff on ways to help make Gong impactful to your orgs.  


Sprout Social has been customers of Gong for nearly 4 years and have Gong deployed across 700 employees worldwide. We’ve seen a lot of goodness come from a global deployment of the tool - and I’m happy to have the opportunity to share some of our experiences and tactics for ensuring we gain value out of a solution like Gong at scale. 

A few topics that come to mind for the meetup are:

  • Project tracking (Talk Track rollouts, product feature rollouts, adoption, etc.)
  • Forecasting
  • Competitive data analysis (trends, competitive feature releases, etc.)

But I’d love to hear from this group on any topics that might be interesting or most impactful to you! Please comment/thread below with thoughts, ideas, or comments. 



This is awesome @Marshall Hamilton thank you for taking on this amazing leadership role! 

So excited about this meetup! Tagging a few folks in this Community I think would be great to chat with: 

@Robert Andreasen 

@Jessica Starr 

@Rishabh Kapoor 

@Alex Reyes 

@Tracy Chaparo 


@Katie Williams 

@Anna Coyle 

@Sheila Kruesel 

@Cat Dreiling 



Would love to have you join us — please feel free to share what topics you’d be most interested in chatting about!

Lovely initiative  @Marshall Hamilton 
Would love to join, discuss and share ideas around the topics you outlined as well as:

  • Gong tool adoption in general (how do you encourage managers to use Gong)
  • Best practice on reporting (Gong usage, team metrics)

@Viktorija Gong adoption is a really good one! Thanks for sharing :relaxed:

@Mark Hemphill FYI :) 

Marshall, great to see you taking this on.   

Liked seeing @Viktorija include “how do you encourage managers to use Gong”  


My suggestions:

Ways to ways to drive adoption and better outcomes for individual sellers

Process integration; best practices on integrating Gong with the rest of your tech stack

Using Gong to improve/ create a coaching culture



Hey all!

Registration for this event is now live:

Excited to have you join us! (And if you’re not able to attend, register anyway and we’ll tag you in the recording 🙂)


@Paola Londono @Nick Saunders I’ll be away but this would be an awesome event to attend!
