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(Hi! You’ve reached a topic specifically for folks participating in the Program Manager Launch Certification. If you’re a Gong Program Manager and would like to learn more about getting certified, please click here!)


Congratulations, Program Managers — you’re nearly complete with your Launch Certification! Between what you’ve learned in the Gong Academy as part of your certification and the practical knowledge you’ve picked up while onboarding and implementing Gong at your organization, we know your brains must be bursting with invaluable Gong knowledge.


So, this brings us to your second (and final) Community assignment for your Launch Certification. Please share your answer to one (or both of) the following questions:


  1. What is the most important thing you learned during this Launch Certification? 

  2. What is your #1 piece of advice for a new Program Manager who is implementing Gong?


Thanks for taking the time to not only share with us here at Gong what you found valuable during your certification, but also for sharing your knowledge and wisdom with future Gong Program Managers. Who knows? Maybe one day you’ll benefit from their knowledge, too, here in the Community. :)

The most important thing I learned during this launch certification is how to leverage the many fantastic resources Gong provides, and to continue iterating to find what works best overtime. I really appreciated the in depth coverage of best practices and practical application of features, and the guided walkthroughs were very nice.

  1. What is the most important thing you learned during this Launch Certification? 
    The most important thing I learned was the depth and breadth of configuration options that Gong provides to help all departments in your organization get TONNES of value out of Gong’s insights. It’s such a powerful platform.

  2. What is your #1 piece of advice for a new Program Manager who is implementing Gong?
    Leverage all of the additional resources Gong provides: our Help Center, the Academy, and of course the Gong Community. There are so many organizations that have gone through this process and can help you on your journey--take advantage of what’s on offer!

  • What is the most important thing you learned during this Launch Certification? More about the specifics of how to empower customers to record meetings but be intentional about what’s recorded and when (i.e. exec meetings in a separate workspace)

  • What is your #1 piece of advice for a new Program Manager who is implementing Gong? Leverage Gong Academy and your CSM! There is tons of great content to support self-paced learning, but your CSM can help you narrow down what’s most applicable for you and your team’s initiatives. 

This certification was a great challenge! The most important thing I learned through this Program Manager certification is that compliance is top of mind and the differences between enforcing and enabling.

The advice I have for new program managers is to ensure you have the right support, whether that be on the Gong side or internally to make sure things with Gong run smoothly and effortlessly. I also think Gong is a tool where the learning never stops, so always be open minded!

  1. What is the most important thing you learned during this Launch Certification? 

    1. I learned a lot, and I feel very confident on how we can maximize the usage of Gong in our org. 

  2. What is your #1 piece of advice for a new Program Manager who is implementing Gong?

    1. ​​​​​​​Learn as much as you can before you try to get buy-in from the Org. 

What is your #1 piece of advice for a new Program Manager who is implementing Gong?


The best advice I can offer around implementation is to utilize the resources that Gong has already cultivated to make your Launch a success! The Academy and the Help Center have guides on just about every question you could possibly have - and then some. Also, keep the end goal in mind - while there may be uncertainty in your team about such a big change, this platform will help them unlock reality and level up their skillsets quicker than they would have though possible before. Drive home that Gong will empower your team to learn from the best and crush their quotas!

I learned that Gong has built a robust product to help sales team skill up their teams, ensure improvement of deals closing and properly capture recordings for enablement. Your ability to leverage so many features in the product create such an immersive experience, that you can find so many use cases for Gong. I initially looked at the product for training purposes but now see it for so much more than my initial observation. 


To anyone who is just jumping in, be prepared to LEARN. There is so much you can customize in the tool that it can take time to understand it. Have some time in the tool before jumping in and apply the lessons you are learning in the tool to make sure all the knowledge sticks. Good luck!

  1. Most Important thing I learned
    That Gong platform will only work in a collaborative environment. It is a fantastic tool with so many moving parts that give you valuable insights, that each role within the company can benefit from.
  2. Piece of advice for a new Program Manager
    Do this certification program, you will learn so much! Also get help from Gong and your own Company when implementing this solution.

  1. What is the most important thing you learned during this Launch Certification? 

Gong has so much to offer and is very customizable. Take the time to learn all the parts and don’t be surprised when a new update to a feature happens as Gong is always improving

  1. What is your #1 piece of advice for a new Program Manager who is implementing Gong?

Take your time to learn the whole platform. It’s easy to just want to dive in. But each stakeholder should have a customized experience. Think about who is using it, why they would use it, and what parts of the tools you can creatively use to solve the problems that many different parts of the org are facing.

  1. What is the most important thing you learned during this Launch Certification? 

The most important thing I learned is how to customize trackers and custom vocabulary to make Gong more meaningful for our Customer Success team. We also likely need to customize Topics to fit us better, and deliver more useful information and insights to our CS team. 

  • What is the most important thing you learned during this Launch Certification? There is a TON if capabilities within Gong. It’s critical to choose 1-2 priorities, then build from there. Important to lean on Gong community and your CSM for best practices and success planning.


  • What is your #1 piece of advice for a new Program Manager who is implementing Gong? One thing at a time! Start with your most important initiative, master that, then move on to the next. Make sure to delegate projects to other roles (keeping the library up to date, adding relevant trackers) to make sure your content never gets stale. 

I learned so much through this certification! My favorite piece that I learned during this certification is how configurable Gong is for your business needs. There is so much that Gong can uncover to make sure all departments are utilizing Gong to the best of their abilities for the success of their teams. 


What is the most important thing you learned during this Launch Certification? 

We could be utilizing trackers more robustly for assessing the effectiveness of initiatives, and there is a lot we need to start utilizing with Scorecards and Manager engagement. 


  1. What is your #1 piece of advice for a new Program Manager who is implementing Gong? - Too often organizations get siloed when thinking about program rollout. Involve your stakeholders early to understand their needs first and align your rollout to align to those needs. Stakeholders will be appreciative that you took their needs into consideration rather than “forcing” a program upon them.

  1. From the Sales Enablement stand point I was impressed of how deep the integration between the CRM´s and Gong can go. The Deals Board is amazing, it provides incredible visibility to the how business is moving forward. One other thing I really found interesting is how call streams can help to build a solid and updated library with value for new hires and improvement opportunities. 
  2. Make sure to get the buy-in from your managers early and get them excited about the possibilities that Gong brings to the table not only to manage but to help them improve.

I learned so many things during this certification! It was very challenging but SO worth doing!! 


The main thing I learned was that there is so much more to learn with Gong all the time which is amazing. There is not 1 size fits all. 


My advice would be to take the lead and ensure you have the right people involved in the Gong deployment form the start, colleagues you can depend on who will lead by example. Adopt the learnings and strategies you have learnt from this certification and communication Gong in the right way - with all of this you will be set up for success!! 

What is the most important thing you learned during this Launch Certification?

One of the most important things I learned during this Launch Certification course was how important coaching is during the implementation process and beyond! While you could have a great system in Gong, Gong is useless if sales reps and managers aren’t using the insights to drive innovation and learning. 

The most important thing I learned during this Launch Certification course was to be prepared in advance of the roll-out and not only have supporters and champions in your corner, but also clear goals and KPIs for how you want your users to interact with the tool.  You have to get people excited about what the tool can do for them personally to advance their professional development, but also show that as a team you can learn from each other and upskill everyone!

What is the most important thing you learned during this Launch Certification?

All the amazing ways one can construct a Deal Board that impacts key insight into Deal Drivers.  Also the ability to use trackers to build out competitive intelligence.


What is your #1 piece of advice for a new Program Manager who is implementing Gong?

Scoping and discovery are key to understanding what your sales leaders will need to ensure adoption during coaching and for their direct reports.

The biggest thing I learned through the certification process is to try and apply the learning as you go, and to utilise the available resources to help consolidate the learning. There is a lot of content to process so whatever tips and tricks help you learn best, you’ll want to apply them as you go through the modules.


My one piece of advice for new PMs implementing Gong, is to get the wider team onboard from frontline managers through to your standard users. I have found our team of inside sales specialists are having more effective sales conversations and thriving from the public praise. Also the earlier they are onboard the less nervous they feel about Gong as “big brother” and instead see the benefits for their own progress.

This is a great comprehensive certification!  It is worth the time and effort.  The option COE course should be required.  It has great best practices that every Gong admin should know.  

My recommendation to PM’s (new and tenured) is to make Gong part of your culture.  Integrate Gong with your tech stack for a great user experience and align the platform with your strategic initiatives.  This will help keep your change management process consistent and allow you to guide your team to success.   Don’t forget to celebrate progress, including the small wins.   A little recognition goes a long way. 

This was a thorough course to get any new PM up to speed or acts as a refresher to any PM who wants to up their knowledge of Gong and best practices.

My #1 piece of advice for a new Program Manager who is implementing Gong is to spend the time on this certification to get the most of out the Gong platform.  I recommend sharing relevant playbooks with your enablement team, ops team, and to leverage leaders on those teams to implement new workflows or integrations that are important for your business and overall adoption of Gong.

  1. As someone super familiar with Gong already, I think the most interesting learning experience for me was around some of the actionable plan for coaching reps. I think today, moving core performers to the top end must be a huge priority, so it was great to spend some time there.


  1. Stay in the tool! Use a sandbox! Play around! No amount of reading matches the experience of spending time in the product trying to solve problems.

I learned a lot, everything related to setting up your Gong instance from a technical perspective to best practices for different roles and organizations. Also, I really liked that it included a lot of resources for planning and project managing a rollout!

I learned a lot about use cases where Gong can be utilized outside of what I previously understood. Despite me working at Gong and being relatively technical, there was still a lot to learn!
