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What Gong Collective integration has the most impact on your organization?

Gong + your favorite integration = better together.

Which Gong Collective integration is / do you anticipate will be most important to the success of Gong at your organization?

Share it in the comments below and tell us how it helps!

45 replies


Picking Zoom seems pedantic since that’s what we use internally, but being able to quickly and easily record calls that are being hosted on a client’s or prospect’s platform like Meet, Teams, Webex etc. using the assistant with very minimal setup is integral in capturing every call. Many times we’ll have partners hosting a call, and platforms and links can change very quickly, so knowing that the call will be in Gong as long as the assistant is there is a relief.

Salesforce is a close second, and I’m sure much more important for the direct sales team!


The Gong and Salesforce integration has helped the most! Gong gives us the opportunitiy to coach at an optimal level, especially regarding a wide variety of stages.


Salesforce integration. It helps minimize the amounts of different viewpoints for reps and sync the necessary data fields back into Gong.

The Salesforce integration. Both platforms are powerful for the sales teams and integrating them have helped streamline the sales processes and improve visibility for the team.

The Hubspot integration for us is everything! We’re able to identify opportunities that are in line with our overall business goals directly aligning our findings in Gong to other members of the org who don’t have access. 

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Gong for Salesforce managed package installation has been huge for us to easily see Gong conversations tied to each opportunity within Salesforce. We are also taking advantage of the automatic contact flow where each participant in a Gong conversation is added as a contact/lead or updated if they are already in our system.

We are digging into the Hubspot integration more and more. I love the deal warning flags

Salesforce integration is the most important integration for team adoption.



Trackers!  This has been so valuable as we have released a new selling methodology to our teams.  It helps us understand adoption to the methodology AND how this methodology is reading through to our win-rate!  


The Gong - Salesforce Integration is quite powerful and can help take our team and many other teams to success by optimising your existing workflows

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The Salesforce integration is critical to helping our team dive deeper into the opportunities they are working. Being able to surface Gong data in our reporting has helped fill in some of the holes in our activity tracking. 

Gong integration with Salesforce is great! helping us to do some more advanced reporting than we can do in gong


The SFDC and Slack integration are definitely the most useful


The Gong Collective integration that has the most impact on our organization is the Gong + SFDC Integration. It's my favorite because it consolidates all our deals in one place, which is Salesforce. The SFDC integration is truly the key to success for any sales organization. It significantly increases the visibility of the sales cycle, helps prevent deals from stalling, and creates a sense of accountability among our Account Executives.


One of the standout features is its ability to enable the forecasting capability, which, in my opinion, is one of the best I've ever seen. We can accurately predict our sales outcomes and plan accordingly. But my absolute favorite tab in this integration is the deal board. It allows us to meticulously track our deals, ensuring that no critical action item is left behind.


The forecast is an invaluable tool that helps us gauge whether we are on track to achieve our goals for the year. It provides us with a comprehensive view of how well our business is performing, highlighting which deals were closed earlier and which ones were pushed back. The Trends tab, which shows the actual versus predicted outcomes, has been a game-changer for us.


Our Monday forecast meeting has become significantly more productive, thanks to this integration. It's where we dive deep into the data and insights provided by Gong and Salesforce. This allows our leadership and sales to make informed decisions, adapt our strategies, and ensure that we are continuously progressing toward our objectives. It's a powerful combination that has revolutionized our approach to sales and forecasting.

The integration between Gong and Salesforce is absolutely amazing and has helped our organization so much! It is an absolute must and is vital to our business. The forecasting & pipeline management that Gong offers is so smooth and streamlined. So efficient in bringing clarity around our deals to AEs and their various leaders.


The integration between Gong and Google Meet. We had previously used a competitor that wasn’t quiet as successful with its AI to record what was said in a meaningful way and had issues with its integration with Zoom and Google Meet when we transferred to that. Now we can record client calls and internal training calls in a more efficient manner that allows us to review what was said and done properly.


Gong + HubSpot is definitely most useful with info flowing between the two systems. 


The Salesforce integration offers huge amounts of value through the deep level of insights that it offers within Gong. 

We have leveraged the Gong and Crayon integration to add real examples and insights from the field (in Gong) to our sales enablement / competitive intelligence content in Crayon.

The ProductBoard integration is huge for our org!

@Johnny.Walker how do you use it? 
